Friday, October 3, 2014


Autumn is here, can you believe it? I'm loving our backyard suppers and bonfires.

 Setting the table for a backyard supper date / dinner is served / Mabel is a film star / studio time / birthday party leftovers.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Grayson Highlands

Camping for two days in Grayson County, VA, we day-hiked an excellent stretch of the Appalachian Trail, from Massie Gap toward Mount Rogers - miles of blue ridge views, secret laurel forests, stone caves, mountaintop meadows, wild ponies, grazing steer, herds of deer and countless tiny creatures.  Here's to a perfect weekend.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Summer, concluded.

September has arrived and it's back to work, full steam ahead. Here, some photos I took whilst the summer was winding down. It's bittersweet to look forward to autumn, but I still do. Crisp evening walks with Mabel, and backyard bonfires, are right around the corner - but before we officially turn the calendar page, let's remember (and appreciate!) the joys of summer.